An implant is a titanium screw implanted in the jaw bone, which is a replacement for lost teeth. Some implants are in one piece, and in others, the crown and root are connected by screws. At first, the implant fixture is placed, then the dental prosthesis is added. Before the dental prosthesis (tooth, bridge or denture) is attached to the implant that holds the dental prosthesis or crown. Recovery time for ossification varies from person to person.
Suitable age for implants:
Implants can be implanted at ages younger than 18 years, but the implant prosthesis must be changed after 18 years to match it with the adjacent teeth. It is also possible to disrupt the growth of the jaw bone in the implant area. It is recommended to be implanted after the age of 18 and the facial skeleton grows.
Dental implant steps :
Dental implant surgery is usually an outpatient surgery that is performed in stages with recovery time between stages. The process of placing a dental implant includes the following steps:
• Examining the person and determining the type and number of implants
• Removing the damaged tooth (tooth extraction) if needed
• Jaw bone preparation (bone graft) if needed
• Implant base planting
• Bone growth and repair
• Color selection and molding and sending to the laboratory
• Final implant placemen
تأسس المركز الإيراني لطب الأسنان في المقام الأول لابتكار ابتسامات جميلة للغاية.
• Avoid brushing your teeth for 1 day after the implant.
• Do not wash your mouth for 8 hours after the implant.
• Avoid smoking, drinking tea and coffee for 3 days after the implant.
• The use of drugs and alcohol makes the implant not completely successful.
• After the implant, use dental floss and toothpaste for implants.
• It is possible to drink water after the implantation, but in the case of eating, it should be done after the anesthesia is over.
• Avoid drinking liquids with a straw (at least two weeks).
• Avoid drinking liquids and hot foods
احجز زيارة إلى مركز طب الأسنان الإيراني ، ما عليك سوى ملء النموذج أدناه وسنعاود الاتصال بك بخصوص التدخل الذي تحتاجه.