Teeth bleaching

Teeth bleaching is one of the most professional dental services and treatments, with the help of which the unnatural pigments that are stuck on the surface of the teeth are removed. This treatment method can remove all stains and colors created on natural teeth.

In fact, the dentist whitens your teeth in a short period of time in the office with the help of highly concentrated chemicals. The interesting thing about teeth bleaching is that dental veneers and implants are not whitened with the help of this method.

In the teeth bleaching method, nothing is added to the structure of the teeth and only special chemicals are used to whiten the teeth. The effect of teeth bleaching depends on the type of teeth and the extent of their discoloration and yellowness, but first of all, it is better to get to know the factors affecting the yellowness of teeth and the reasons for the need for tooth bleaching

Many people think that the two processes of bleaching and teeth whitening are one type of treatment. But in fact, although these two are meant to whiten teeth, they have many differences. Teeth whitening is a simple process that can be done at home.

But teeth bleaching is a more complicated and practical process than teeth whitening. In general, there are two types of teeth whitening with bleaching, which are:

Office bleaching or teeth bleaching in a dental office
Home bleaching or teeth bleaching at home

Over time, your teeth can go from white to not-so-bright for a number of reasons. Coffee, tea and red wine are some major staining culprits. What do they have in common? Intense color pigments called chromogens that attach to the white, outer part of your tooth.

Two chemicals found in tobacco create stubborn stains: Tar and nicotine. Tar is naturally dark. Nicotine is colorless until it’s mixed with oxygen. Then, it turns into a yellowish, surface-staining substance.

Iranian Dental Center was founded in the first place to create absolutely beautiful smiles.

Why is Bleaching
Used for?

One of the best and fastest ways to whiten teeth is teeth bleaching. Although the home method may be dangerous if you do not follow the dentist’s tips and recommendations, the office method is completely safe and effective.
It costs relatively little because it is a one-time cost and there is no need to spend money on other methods for a long time.
The method of teeth bleaching in the office is completely safe.

Almost the results of any treatment in dentistry are not permanent. This method also needs to be renewed after some time. Because teeth are naturally prone to staining and discoloration.
If teeth bleaching materials and formulas remain on the teeth for a long time, it will have bad effects on them. The least consequence in this situation is an increase in tooth sensitivity.
One of the disadvantages of home bleaching is that, in most cases, various sensitivities are created in the teeth and oral tissues due to mistakes in the composition and use of materials. This method, however, in the office, because it is done with professional tools, the possibility of damage and sensitivity is minimized.

Other dental problems can affect the success of tooth whitening. For example, cavities need to be treated before teeth are whitened. That’s because the whitening solution can pass through decayed areas and reach the inner parts of the tooth. If your gums have receded, the exposed roots of your teeth may appear yellow or discolored. Whitening products will not make them whiter.

If you have tooth decay or receding gums, whitening may make your teeth sensitive. Whitening also does not work on ceramic or porcelain crowns or veneers.

after care

After teeth bleaching, like any other procedure, you need to take care to get the best result. In the following, we have explained some important things after teeth bleaching.

Avoid eating foods and doing things that cause yellowness and stains on your teeth, such as drinking coffee, soft drinks, or smoking.
In the early hours after teeth bleaching, it is better to wash your teeth and gums with warm water.
One week after the teeth bleaching treatment, go to the dentist’s office for an examination.
Avoid eating cold foods.
To eat fruits like apples, be sure to peel them.
Avoid eating rice, pasta, bread and baked potatoes that are hard to chew for a while.

How long does tooth bleach last?

In general, after 3 years of teeth bleaching, the whiteness of the teeth decreases, but its durability in these three years depends on how people take care and also their diet.

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